Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blog 7-Second Interview Preparation

Image result for cooking

1.  Who is your mentor and where do they work?  If their workplace does not reflect their expertise, what makes them an expert?

Right at this moment, I do not have a mentor but are actively searching for one in my field, Cooking/Culinary Arts. I am currently seeking mentorship at the restaurant Cantina Grill in Pomona with the current chef. Until then, I have no mentorship.

2.  What five questions will you ask them about their background?

  1.  How long have you been employed at this establishment and how many years in total have you been cooking for? 
  2. Do you come from a line of individuals in the culinary/restaurant business? Have you had education in the field or did you simply take up work at eateries?
  3. Did your parents or guardians ever do home-style/homemade meals growing up?
  4. Why do you like to cook at your place of employment?
  5. What moment in your life or person inspired you the most to follow a path into the culinary field?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Blog 6-Advisory Prep

Image result for step at a time

1. What has worked well for you concerning senior project this year?  What has made it a positive experience for you?  

The most helpful thing regarding the Senior Project is simply starting early on everything coming down the line. When it comes to anything, whether it be blogs, research checks or anything else, managing time and taking things in short steps is a crucial detail to making the senior project more enjoyable and less work intensive. On the subject of making this a fun year and experience, the concept of getting to know my topic has been an incredibly positive experience for me. When it comes to culinary arts, creating and using recipes is a step-by-step process that can prove extremely rewarding when you learn something new. The senior project is just the same, where learning to do simple things can be extremely fun, even when doing something as melancholy as a research check can be a rewarding experience. Taking our subject in small weekly increments has not only allowed me to learn a lot but simultaneously enjoy everything about the project.

2. What are you finding difficult concerning senior project?  How can you adapt to make that portion work better for you?  How might the senior team help?
Personally, I still suffer from being unable to locate a mentor despite constant searching. I've already asked numerous friends, family and even some of the Senior team but I have had little luck in the matter.Currently, I am collaborating with another student, Dawson K., to seek a mentorship in the restaurant he works in.I think i could improve the chances of finding someone if I start contacting old Ipoly students and using social media sites, including Facebook, in the hopes that I would be able to find a lead to a mentor. Additionally, older blogs from previous years might be able to yield links to people in my field, culinary art, who have once served alongside another Ipoly senior. Besides this single complication, I have no other concerns for the senior project in the short run.

Blog Post 5

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blog 4: House Advisory Prep

 Write a short explanation of what you are hoping to accomplish through your senior project topic.  

The senior project in short is the culmination of months upon months of skill-based learning to learn the finer points of a trade you hope to one day succeed in. For myself, that lies in the preparation and creation of food. That trade is the art of Cooking.
Currently, I am merely striving to find a mentor, someone who can teach me things an article or cookbook can't, someone who can help me find my own culinary flair and style. Through the upcoming year, I hope to also uncover and learn all that I can regarding the art of cooking so that I can apply my knowledge later on in the future. This can include learning the tools and workplace for culinary-based jobs, learning cooking styles from different chefs and trying creative recipes. Ideally, I hope to be able to cook often alongside my mentor, creating wide varieties of dishes. Who knows, I might be able to create a new recipe with training and some creativity. Most importantly, I aspire to learn a plethora of dish preparation; the core of a cook's work.
With such training, I am certain I can create my own style of cooking that I can show not only my peers but possible hirers in the workforce. I personally see myself becoming a cook or chef as an option after college and the experience that I gain from this project can be helpful when being selected amongst thousands of other applicants in the culinary field.